Renewable Energy / Solar power generation business

Development processes

Process 1: Planning and survey

The right location needs to be identified for a solar power generation plant. Ideally, it should be a sunny, flat, and large enough plot with easy access to a power grid. However, such ideal locations that meet all these conditions are rare. The key consideration, therefore, is how to overcome these constraints and ensure the feasibility of the intended business. It is also important to check what are the necessary procedures, approvals, and licenses for developing a chosen site.

Process 2: Communication with local communities (briefing sessions, approvals, and licenses)

In parallel with the selection of candidate sites, consultations are initiated with local governments regarding the necessary procedures, approvals, and licenses. In addition, briefing sessions are organized for community members to present the construction plan for the intended power plant. This is one of the most important steps involved in plant construction to address uncertainty and questions among community members regarding the plant construction in their neighborhood.

Process 3: Design and construction work

After the completion of an elaborate design, plant construction takes place while ensuring safety. In addition to mounts, solar panels, power conversion systems, and other power generation installations, ENEOS Renewable Energy builds a stormwater reservoir, installs fences to restrict unauthorized access, and takes other necessary measures to ensure reliable and safe operation.

  • Solar power generation
  • Development processes
  • Operation and maintenance

Renewable Energy